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Showing posts from February, 2021

He Eats With Them?

They got it right!  It was an observation that was accurate and true in every respect.  And yet, the supposed damning indictment that followed actually turned out to be the best news ever.  But more on that in a moment… For context, in my last blog post, I wrote about seeking the Lord’s presence.  I also noted some compelling reasons, from the Word of God, to do so.  His presence: ·          Gives rest; ·          Is where I experience absolute joy; ·          Is really all that I need; ·          Is where I find safety; ·          Provides the refreshing I need. Given all that, who wouldn’t want to be in the Lord’s presence?   Well, among those who were part of the observation described above, some did and some didn’t.   Here’s what led to the observation and it also shows who did and who didn’t want to be in the Lord’s presence: “Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him.  But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man

Seek His Presence...Continually!

  Last week, I wrote about a Psalmist who yearned for and even fainted for the courts of the Lord (Ps 84).   One commentator suggested that the wording indicates that the Psalmist’s desire was deep and insatiable and that the very soul of the man was yearning for his God.   So it’s very   likely that his deep and insatiable desire was not just for the courts of the Lord but for the Lord Himself. Another Psalm starts off this way:   “See the Lord and the strength; seek His presence continually!”   (Ps 105:4) An inquisitive part of me wants to know why I should seek His presence before I give the “continually” a whole lot of consideration.   The investigative part of me found these verses that point to the reasons: And the Lord said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”   (Ex 33:14) You lead me in the path of life. I experience absolute joy in your presence ; you always give me sheer delight.   (Ps 16:11 ) But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I h

Yearning and Fainting For

Sometimes we can inadvertently gloss over the intensity of what an author might be experiencing and is writing about. Recently, I was reading in Psalm 84 where the Psalmist wrote that his soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord (v. 2). Wait, yearning and fainting, now that’s looking a bit intense! To yearn for is to have an intense feeling of longing for something or a very eager desire. To faint for is yearning for something that might result in becoming weak, lightheaded or even giddy. The Amplified Version uses some additional words that might help provide some possible insights into the intensity of what the Psalmist was feeling:   “My soul yearns, yes, even pines and is homesick for the courts of the Lord;” The meaning of “pines” is probably not very familiar to most.   It means to yearn intensely and persistently and even to feel very sad because one wants (something) or because one is not with (someone). That’s not just looking a bit intense, that is