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Showing posts from July, 2023

It Didn't Stick!

I’m fascinated when words, used as descriptors, are changed in an effort to reduce or remove negative connotations. Drug addiction is increasing being referred to as substance abuse. Mental illness is increasingly being referred to as brain health. I’ve noticed a new change of late.  Homeless is being changed to unhoused.  I suppose homeless does have some negative connotations and the change is meant to help alleviate some of them. The religious leaders, who could not tolerate Jesus entering their little realm of religious practice, called Jesus a “glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Luke 7:34).  In their minds, these negative descriptors were meant to diminish his stature among the people and dissuade them from following Him.  As such, they had no inclination to ever reduce the negative descriptors that they had assigned to Him.  In fact, the more negative they could make them the better, at according to their way of thinking. But their tactics