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Showing posts from April, 2022

Astonished Beyond Measure

What would it take to completely and totally astonish you?  And, if you found out that some others were astonished beyond measure, would you be curious to know why? Before we get to the why, take a look at some other similar words that have been used to describe their experience of being astonished: Astounded Overwhelmed Amazed Surprised But there’s more.  Surrounding those powerful words are some descriptive words that indicate the level or intensity of what they experienced: Thoroughly Completely Overwhelmingly Extremely Exceedingly Utterly Totally All those words are part of how different Bible translations present Mark 7:37 to us. The ESV puts it this way:   And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” The “He” is Jesus.    The “they” were the crowds who had been observing Jesus.  And what they saw, among other things, was that He did all things well.  This was a huge contrast to their observations o