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Showing posts from September, 2024

Act Your Age!

Our old gas powered mower finally bit the dust. But it did last for 18 years so I think we got our money’s worth. As I was considering a replacement for it, my wife and my son encouraged me to buy a self propelled mover. They said it would make the mowing go so much easier, especially for someone my age! While the cost was quite a bit higher for a self propelled mower, I did go ahead and get one. After opening the box, I did the right thing and started reading the Operator’s Manual. I figured that I may as well put it together right since it did cost me a pretty penny. The Operator’s Manual, quite early in the opening section, mentioned some statistics for mowing accident. It turns out that men aged 65 and older top the charts for the highest number of mowing accidents. Following that ugly truth was a laundry list of warnings for those men over 65. The warnings included descriptions on how to prevent accidents. As my eyes started glazing over and I was about to dismiss it all, reality