That phrase usually refers to the basic, central or
critical point of an issue. But, I would argue, the basic, central or
critical point of an issue might actually be the heart.
Solomon once
“Watch over your heart with all
diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Prov 4:23)
Jesus didn’t
mince words when it comes to the heart:
“The good man brings good things out of
the good stored up on his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the
evil stored up in his heart.” (Luke
“For where your treasure is, there you
heart will be also.” (Matt 6:21)
Our hearts
ultimately define us. It’s no wonder
then that Paul prayed that Christ might dwell in the hearts of the Ephesians through
faith (Eph 3:17). As Christ dwells more
in our hearts, the more we are defined by Him and less by us.
So when it comes
to the heart of the matter, it really is a matter of the heart!
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