In my last post, I wrote that that God keeps certain things hidden (Deut 29:29). In some cases, these hidden things are beyond our understanding. In response to that, one Psalmist wrote that he did not occupy himself with things too great and too wonderful for him (Ps 131:1). That’s a healthy response as we, as humans, are finite and cannot completely know everything about an infinite God. A quote attributed to American novelists, Philip Roth, speaks volumes on this: “All that we don’t know is astonishing. Even more astonishing is what passes for knowing.” From a more spiritual perspective, one commentator put it this way: "What God has thought proper to reveal, he has revealed what is essential to the well-being of man, and this revelation is intended not for the present time merely, nor for one people, but for all succeeding generations. The things which he has not revealed concern not man but God alone, and are therefore not to be inquired af...
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