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Showing posts from April, 2024

Conquer What?

Conquer the water!  It was a campaign at the swimming pool.  I’m guessing that it was an attempt to get people, who are afraid of water, to learn to swim.  But the issue is really not about conquering the water; it’s about conquering our fear of the water. Yet the campaign has a certain appeal to it.  If you are afraid of water, it’s probably easier to focus on conquering something you can see and touch (the water) as opposed to conquering something you can’t see and touch (your fear). And conquering something does resonate with many.  The familiar usage of the word “conquer” is gain or acquire by force of arms.  Another aspect of conquering is to gain mastery over by overcoming obstacles or opposition.  It can also mean to overcome by mental or moral power.  Given that conquering something has an attractive element to it, there’s a verse in Romans that seems to be the key to conquering anything and everything: “ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him w