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Safe and Sound

In my last post, I wrote about words that are not “idle” words.  In fact, those not idle words bring life.

In this post, I want to focus on words that are “sound” words.

“Sound” has many meanings beyond auditory.  “Sound” is also:


  • free from flaw, defect, or decay
  • solid, firm, stable
  • secure, reliable
  • free from error, fallacy or misapprehension
  • based on thorough knowledge and experience
  • agreeing with accepted views


The sound words that we need for life come from Jesus:  “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness,” (1 Tim 6:3)

To give some insight into just how sound these words are, listed below is how some other versions of the Bible translate “sound words”:


  • Sound instruction
  • Wholesome words
  • True teaching
  • Healthy words
  • Accurate words
  • True words


When I think of all those descriptors of His sound words, the phase “safe and sound” comes to mind.  That phrase is typically used to express relief or reassurance after a potentially risky or dangerous situation.  It’s also used to indicate that a person (or persons) is no longer in harm’s way and they are in good condition or are unharmed.

But there’s another interesting use of the phrase “safe and sound” that particularly drew my attention.  “Safe and sound” can be used metaphorically to convey emotional well-being or security.  And in that regard, the words of Jesus are exactly what we need!


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