It caught my eye, well the words in the verse did! See if they catch yours: When I felt secure, I said, “I will never be
shaken.” (Ps 30:6)
To feel secure can be quite a wonderful thing. In feeling secure, you might feel free from
danger or harm. You might feel free from
fear, care, doubt, worry or anxiety.
When I looked up other versions of Psalm 30:6, I noticed
some other wording that seemed to further enhance this good feeling of security:
- When I
was safe and secure…
- When
all was well with me…
- When I
felt safe…
- When things were quiet and life was
- And in
my prosperity…(which actually was used by most versions)
And then I read more of the outcome of that feeling of
security from other versions:
- I
thought nothing could hurt me…
- Nothing
can ever destroy me….
- I will
never fear…
- I
shall never be moved…(which actually was used by most versions).
However, when I read one particular version, I thought uh-oh,
maybe I’ve been looking at this all wrong.
See what you think: When things were quiet and life was easy,
I said in arrogance, “Nothing
can shake me.”
Many commentators believe
that the psalmist was confessing to a time when he felt so secure and so
prosperous that he thought he was basically untouchable. And in his arrogance, he probably had come to
a point of trusting too much in his own abilities and not enough in God.
So while I was initially drawn to the verse based on the thought
of experiencing that feeling of security and all that it positively entails, it
looks like we can also experience a false sense of security. That can so easily happen when we, in our
arrogance, think we have everything under control!
It serves as a great reminder that we need to rely on God and not just on our own abilities and resources.
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